Learn how to Sell Products and Services, Retain Your Customer, Cross Sell, Up-sell and much More.
About Short Term Courses
Courses designed by
Enroll in Short Course, Today!!
Courses Overview
Value of Courses
Selling Skills: Rs. 6500 Rs. 499
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Question: What is the Course Duration?
Answer: There are three courses.
Question: Who can enroll this course?
Answer: If you are a business owner, start-up, entrepreneur, sales or marketing professional. You can join this course.
Question: Is it recorded or live course?
Answer: It is instructor-led live short term online course. It is not recorded course, you can clear your doubts immediately.
Question: Will I get any material or any handouts?
Answer: Yes! You will get relevant material, presentation, worksheets etc.
Question: I have other question(s)!
Answer: Please write to us at richamahendra@finessenow.com and we will take care of your queries.