Finesse – gentle brushstrokes to create colossal impact in business results !!
Finesse was launched in 2013 to bring professionally intended HR services within the reach of entrepreneurs, SMEs and Corporates. The timer clocked in, learning flourished, acceptance increased, need manifested and we metamorphosed. In 2016 the team grew and a host of competencies were added to the kitty. Today we work as virtual CXOs, business consultants, on-ground collaborators, and HR and OD consultants.
We are Strategic Business Consultants who work with Organizations to collaboratively craft strategy and then ensure it’s on-ground implementation.
Finesse engages as a strategic partner, on an ongoing basis or project basis depending on client requirements both designed to help grow business.
Delivering Strategy! Championing Execution!
We facilitate setting the strategic direction and drive execution through working with teams. Finesse delivers:
- Augmented profit margins,
- Quantified jump in sales,
- Quantum jump in revenue,
- Cost efficiencies,
- Optimal utilization of working capital,
- Enhanced discretionary effort of employees,
- Enviable employee productivity,
- 100% goal alignment and engagement,
- Reduced attrition – saving in employee training cost,
- Sourcing and attracting relevant manpower,
- Culture as they say eats strategy for breakfast. Finesse nurtures culture building.
Holistic 360 degree approach to ensure business results.
We are working in 16 sectors, have partnered with over 400 clients, championed revenue enhancement in 85% of cases, ensured adaptation of professional practices in 100% of businesses and counting, and learning.
We work with
- SME’s
- Corporate’s
- Geographies across India
- Remotely in International Markets
What we do
Simply said, we collaborate with our clients for offering:
- Strategic direction to the Organization
- Champion execution
We increase the productivity per resource – the coveted human resources, machine, space, time, and capital.
We strategize around people and processes to maximize productivity.

We focus on:
- Results,
- Organizational Culture,
- Behavioral and functional competencies,
- Innovation,
- Infuse individuals with passion for “Organizational cause”,
- We strategize around environment, people and processes to maximize productivity.